Scientific Information

The official language of the meeting is English without simultaneous translation.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Abstract submission closed.

The Poster have to be printed on paper and respect the size 70*100 cm vertical side.
At the Meeting Venue it will be fixed in a dedicated pannel into the Aula Magna during all the three days of the Meeting; the poster exhibition doesn't provide an oral presentation.

Topics of the meeting:

  • Brain connections from an anatomical perspective
  • The anatomical and microanatomical basis of plasticity
  • Cadaver fiber dissection
  • Preoperative non invasive brain mapping techniques
  • Functional connectivity on fMRI
  • fMRI and resting state in presurgical planning
  • Diffusion tensor imaging: presurgical usefulness and future developments
  • TMS in preoperative setting
  • TMS and mapping of functional and effective  connectivity
  • Therapeutic non invasive brain stimulation
  • Pre, intra and follow-up neuropsychological assessment
  • How gliomas alter brain connectivity
  • Intraoperative brain mapping: the right technique for the right patient
  • Intraoperative Neurophysiological monitoring
  • Intraoperative anesthesia protocols to improve patients’ cooperation 
  • New surgical tools to enhance resection of gliomas
  • Quality of life assessment
  • Seizures and gliomas
  • New imaging techniques for the diagnosis and follow-up of gliomas

PC Projection (only PPT file on CD or on a memory stick, USB port or DVD) will be provided. Speaker are kindly requested to contact the Slide Center at least one hour before the lecture in order to test all the audiovisual material.
The use of personal laptop is allowed: remind the adaptor for VGA cable.
Each Speaker shall collect their technical material at the end of the session or at the latest at the end of the day.
The Organizing Secretariat accepts no responsibility for any lost audiovisual material that was not collected or left unattended.
Remembers adhere strictly to the time allotted for each intervention.

At the end of the meeting an attendance certificate will be given to alla registred participants.

CME Accreditation (only for Italian Participants)

           CME Accreditation is required for italian participant only.

           Accreditamento NAZIONALE previsto A GIORNATA
            esclusivamente per le giornate di venerdì e sabato.

           My Meeting Provider provvisorio ECM n. 1396 ha assegnato all’evento

           • Venerdì 25 Settembre n. 4,5 crediti ECM, accreditamento per 9 ore di
              lavoro per 200 partecipanti - Codice evento n. 134997
           • Sabato 26 Settembre n. 2 crediti ECM, accreditamento per 4 ore di
              lavoro per 200 partecipanti - Codice evento n. 135014

            Categorie Accreditate
            Categoria Medico Chirurgo discipline:
            -Medicina Fisica E Riabilitazione
            -Neuropsichiatria Infantile

            Categoria Psicologo
            Categoria Tecnico Di Neurofisiopatologia
            Categoria Tecnico Sanitario Di Radiologia Medica
            Categoria Tecnico Della Riabilitazione Psichiatrica

           I crediti formativi saranno certificati dal Provider Provvisorio My Meeting
           n. 1396 secondo le normative della CNFC pubblicate sito

L’attestato conferente i crediti sarà spedito con posta certificata PEC solamente ai partecipanti che avranno frequentato l’intero percorso formativo accreditato (100% del monte ore) e riconsegnato il fascicolo E.C.M. debitamente compilato con il raggiungimento del 75% delle risposte esatte del questionario di apprendimento.

The Scientific and the Organizing Secretariats reserve the right to make whatever change to the program they deem necessary for scientific and/or technical reasons, in compliance with Ministry regulations on CME credits.