General Information


Via Montebello, 8 – 40121 Bologna • Italy
Ph. +39 051 249361

Main distance

  • Bologna Airport 'G. Marconi': 7 km
  • Railway Station: 600 mt
  • Tangenziale exit 7 Fair/Fiera: 3 Km



€ 240,00 early bird fee (20% discount till August 31st)
€ 300,00 from September 1st

Residents and Trainees° 

€ 100,00

Company Staff*   

€ 120,00

°Proof must be provided by the Director of Program
*In addition to those included in the sponsorship agreement

The Regular and Residents and Trainees registration fee includes:
• Attendance to all Scientific Sessions
• Entrance to the exhibition area
• Attendance Certificate
• Badge and Meeting Kit
• Food & Beverage provided by program

The Company Staff registration fee includes:
• Entrance to the exhibition area
• Food & Beverage provided by program

Registration Form will be available only on this dedicated website

To subscribe to this Meeting is necessary to fill the Registration Form, available on this website and send it together with payment to the Organizing Secretariat My Meeting (Fax +39 051 795270 - e-mail:
The registration will be confirmed by e-mail with a voucher.
No registration will be processed unless accompanied payment.
A receipt of payment for the total amount will be issued directly by My Meeting Srl.

Deadline for registration October 15th, 2015.
After this date you can enroll only at the Meeting Venue

No refunds will be made for cancellations.
Notification of cancellation or substitutions must be made in written to the Organizing Secretariat.

For Italian participants only
In caso di richiesta di emissione di fattura nei confronti di enti esenti IVA, quali
ad esempio A.S.L. o Aziende Ospedaliere, il partecipante dovrà farne richiesta
al momento dell'invio della scheda di iscrizione, barrando l'apposita casella.
La ASL/A.O. è tenuta a inviare a My Meeting, contestualmente alla scheda di
iscrizione, i dati necessari all'emissione della fattura elettronica (codice univoco)
e a effettuare il pagamento della quota ESENTE IVA vista fattura.
Una volta emesse le fatture non potranno essere modificate.

Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that any time your register for the Meeting and book your travel you take out an insurance policy of your choice. The Organizing Secretariat cannot take any responsibility for any Participant failing to arrange their own insurance. This insurance is to be purchased in your country of origin.

Some participants may need an entry VISA for Italy.
Participants are requested to consult the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their home country or with their travel agency for specific details relating to visa requirements.
It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa if required.
For more information see the web site of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Your personal data, voluntarily provided on this occasion and collected by My Meeting Srl, shall be manually and electronically processed, for the following purposes: keeping files on your participation in Congresses, Conferences, Meetings and other Events organized by My Meeting Srl and in compliance with law provisions. Your personal data shall be communicated to suppliers and third parties involved or participating in the Event as well as to relevant public authorities, in compliance with low provisions. Provision of requested personal data for the purposes listed above is compulsory for your participation in the Event. Personal data are kept by My Meeting Srl – Via 1° Maggio 33/35 – 40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO) – Italy. You shall be entitled to exercise all the rights provided for by Title II of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.
By signing the Registration Form of the Congress you declare that you read the information provided and give your consent to the processing and communication of your personal data for the purposes listed above.