
It is my great pleasure and privilege to cordially invite you to the upcoming “International Workshop on Neurophysiology, Neuro-monitoring and Neuropathic Pain Treatment: Moving from Theory towards Practice” to be held in Cagliari, Italy, 12 th -13th April 2018.

This event is essentially a teaching course directed to young Neurologists, Neurophysiologists and Anesthesiologists that are meaning to approach Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuromonitoring Techniques and Neuropathic Pain Treatment.

Attendees that are interested in Practical Course of Day 2 will receive a certificate of basic Neurophysiology Formation.

Nevertheless, this Workshop will also be a platform for discussion and exchange of experiences between trained Neurophysiologists involved in both Clinical Neurophysiology and Neuromonitoring Practice.

Clinicians involved in this field generally have also to manage or cope with Pain. So, I thought it was the right occasion to focus on Neuropathic Pain update. As you certainly know Acute and Chronic Neuropathic Pain are not considered the two faces of the same coin anymore.

In fact, Chronic Neuropathic Pain, always arising from Acute Neuroapthic Pain, has been recently classified as a Maladaptive Brain Syndrome.

So, I wish to each and every one of you an advantageous Workshop and a pleasant stay in Cagliari.


Giovanni Antioco Putzu

Poichè la platea è composta esclusivamente da partecipanti Italiani, si informa che l'evento si svolgerà in ITALIANO con slide in inglese, unica eccezione la presentazione della Prof. Malphrus che avverrà in lingua inglese.