Scientific Information

7 Round Tables 105’ each

    • The Chair introduces the topic with a case and/or with literature review and/or with personal experience
    • A world-recognized expert point out the state of the art of the topic and/or his/her personal experience
    • 3 case based 10’ presentation + 10’ discussion
    • The Chair concludes and manages a general discussion involving the lecturer and the attendants

Aim of the meeting
Aim of this meeting is point out some important hints in 7 spine surgery topic of great interest. Along the tradition of these meetings, started in 2011, bone tumors and surgery in the elderly are the main topics: in this edition some time will be dedicated to innovation and to spine infection, a topic frequently neglected. According to our tradition long time is allotted for discussion and interactivity.

Target Audience
Neurosurgeons and Orthopaedic spine surgeons, in addition to other healthcare professionals whose scope of practice includes spine surgery. Residents and Fellows.

Official Language
The official language of the meeting is English without simultaneous translation.
We kindly ask to all speakers to prepare the slides in English.

Call for clinical case on the topics of the meeting
The Organizing Committee invites You to participate actively at the BMB Spine Meeting 2018. You are kindly invited to submit your abstract of a clinical case in English for case discussion sessions using the online form on BMB Spine Meeting 2018.
Cases will be selected and assigned by the Scientific Supervisor and paper reviewer. Cases not selected for the oral sessions will be automatically considered for poster presentation in the Clinical Case Corner.
The receipt of abstract will be acknowledged automatically by e-mail to the presenting author upon the on-line submission. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be notified not later than July 31st, 2018.

Deadline for abstract submission: June 30th, 2018.
Abstract submitted after the deadline might be not accepted.

Rules for Speakers/Teachers/Tutors
First of all it’s mandatory to signed COI declaration.

The speech will be subject to accreditation CME, therefore, we request compliance with the following rules:

• the teaching activity must be objective, balanced and not influenced by direct interests or indirect interests of stakeholders with commercial interest;

• the supervisor/teacher must not include in the activity teaching advertising of any kind for specific products of medical interest, must indicate only generic names of drugs, instruments, principals and not the trade name, even if related to the subject matter;

• the supervisor/teacher must not project images covered by copyright, identifying images of drugs or equipment and images that can violate patient privacy.

Audiovisual equipment
PC Projection (only PPT file on CD or on a memory stick, USB port or DVD) will be provided. Speakers are kindly requested to contact the Slide Center, placed inside the meeting hall, at least one hour before the presentation in order to test all the audiovisual material.
The presentation will be forwarded through Local Area Network (LAN) directly to the Video Projector. The use of personal laptop (MAC/PC) is allowed directly in the meeting hall, remind the adaptor for VGA cable; the speaker must check it with the technician well in advance. Each Speaker shall collect their technical material at the end of the session or at the latest at the end of the day. The Organizing Secretariat accepts no responsibility for any lost audiovisual material that was not collected or left unattended.
Remember to adhere strictly to the time allotted for each presentation.

Attendance certificate
At the end of the Meeting an attendance certificate will be given to all registered participants.

The Scientific and the Organizing Secretariats reserve the right to make any change to the program they deem necessary for scientific and/or technical reasons.