Scientific Information

• Learn the principle of spinal navigation in thoracolumbar spine with a dedicated hands-on course and live surgery
• Tip and tricks of spinal navigation in critical surgeries
• Define the best set-up of operating room

• Neurosurgeons and orthopaedic surgeons interested in spinal navigation and new technologies
• Residents in neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery; experience in instrumented spinal surgery is required



To provide at the participants the basis of spinal navigation with a step-by-step approach.
With only two/three surgeons per station, hands-on cadaver sessions will focus on the set-up, software management, and practical use of navigation in thoracolumbar spine.
Participants will have the opportunity to perform posterior/postero-lateral approaches, to learn the use of navigated instruments for screws placement, as well surgical approaches navigated–assisted.
The latest technology including, high-speed drills and different types of neuronavigation for CT-scanned specimens will be available. In the master station will be available the O-arm system.


Course reserved up to 11 attendees 2 in master work station and 3 for the other work stations.


The official language of the meeting is English without simultaneous translation.
We kindly ask to all speakers to prepare their slides in English.

You need to provide a mandatory signed COI declaration.
The speech will be subject to CME accreditation, therefore, we request compliance with the following rules:
• the teaching activity shall be objective, balanced and not influenced by direct or indirect interests of stakeholders with commercial interest;
• the supervisor/teacher shall not include in the activity any teaching advertising of any kind for specific products of medical interest, shall indicate only generic names of drugs, instruments, principals and not their trade names, even if related to the subject matter;
• the supervisor/teacher shall not project images covered by copyright, identifying images of drugs or equipment and images that can violate patient privacy.

Operating room and hands-on room will be audiovideo connected in real time with plenary hall.
PC Projection (only PPT file on CD or on a memory stick, USB port or DVD) will be provided.
Speakers are kindly requested to contact the Slide Center, located near the meeting hall, at least one hour before their presentation in order to test all the audiovisual material.
The presentation will be forwarded through Local Area Network (LAN) directly to the Video Projector.
The use of personal laptop (MAC/PC) is allowed directly in the meeting hall, don’t forget the adaptor for VGA cable; the speaker must check it with the technician well in advance.
Each Speaker shall collect their technical material at the end of the session or at the latest at the end of the day. The Organizing Secretariat accepts no responsibility for any lost audiovisual material that was not collected or left unattended.
Remember to adhere strictly to the time allotted for each presentation.