Scientific Information

The Organizing and Scientific Committee decided to confer n. 4 under 40 awards: n. 2 best scientific contributions and n. 2 best oral presentations.
Every winner will not be asked to pay for 2024 association fee and is going to receive a name certificate.

You need to provide a mandatory signed COI declaration.

The speech will be subject to CME accreditation, therefore, we request compliance with the following rules:

  • the teaching activity shall be objective, balanced and not influenced by direct or indirect interests of stakeholders with commercial interest;

  • the supervisor/teacher shall not include in the activity any teaching advertising of any kind for specific products of medical interest, shall indicate only generic names of drugs, instruments, principals and not their trade names, even if related to the subject matter;

  • the supervisor/teacher shall not project images covered by copyright, identifying images of drugs or equipment and images that can violate patient privacy;

  • the speaker/teacher must communicate to the participants, before the beginning of his relationship/teaching, any sources of financing or relationships with subjects with commercial interests in the health sector, as declared in the appropriate self-certification.

    16:9 project will be provided. Speakers are kindly requested to contact the AV technician located inside the meeting hall well in advance.
    The use of personal laptop (Mac/PC) is higly recommended, remind own adaptor for Mac device.
    The presentation will be forwarded through Local Area Network (LAN) directly to the Video Projector.
    Each Speaker shall collect his/her own material at the end of the session or at the latest at the end of the day. The Organizing Secretariat accepts no responsibility for any lost of audio-visual material not collected or left unattended.
    Remeber to adhere strictly to the time allotted for each presentation.

    The Scientific and the Organizing Secretariats reserve the right to make any change to the program they deem necessary for scientific and/or technical reasons.