General information


Università Politecnica delle Marche
Department of Medicine and Surgery – Polo Murri

Via Tronto 10/A – 60126 Ancona, Italy


  • 5 km from Ancona Railway Station
  • 1,5 km from Ancona Torrette Railway Station - not reached by high-speed trains
  • 15 km from Ancona Airport "Raffaello Sanzio"
  • 7 km from the historical city center

For additional information to reach the meeting venue kindly click here

Parking areas
The hospital has two areas where it is possible to park: an internal one and an external one for visitors.
The internal area is reserved to employees and operators while the visitors' parking is located in the external area with 590 parking spaces availble. From Monday to Saturday it is possible to park for a fee.


In order to participate it's necessary to send the on-line form. Once control procedures are completed, My Meeting is going to send a registration confirmation by e-mail.

Registration deadline: Friday 20th October 2023 - subject to availability.

Registration fees (VAT included)

SIB Member
in order with all of the annual fees - including 2023


SIB NON Members

€ 150,00

Members of foreign associations

€ 100,00


   € 50,00



The registration includes:

  • attendance to all Scientific Sessions
  • conference kit
  • F&B provided during the event
  • attendance certificate

Registration cancellation
Registered participants who want to cancel attendance are required to send a written communication to the Organizing Secretariat. Substitutions are possible at any time - if communicated in writing.

Attendance certificate
The attendance certificate is going to be delivered to all registered participants - upon arrival at the meeting venue - with the conference kit.

The registration to the Association is possible through payment of the membership fee defined for the current year and has to be renewed at the end of every calendar year.
Members who do not resign - in writing - within 30th October of every year, are going to be considered members also for the following year; thus, they will have to pay for the membership fee (Art. 6 of the Statute).
S.I.B. membership fee for the current year is € 100,00.

SIB Members' Meeting and voting for SIB Board
Members' meeting is going to be held in plenary room on Thursday 26th October 2023 at 6:45 pm. Polling places to vote for the new SIB Board will be open from 08:00 am to 1:00 pm on Friday 27th October 2023.
Only members in order with the payment of 2023 fee will have the right to vote.

PCO and Provider ECM (Id. 1396)

Via 1° Maggio 33/35 – 40064 Ozzano nell’Emilia (Bologna), Italy
Ph. and Business WhatsApp +39 051 796971 –

Pursuant to General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/79 ("GDPR") of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 and to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196 of 30 June 2003 on data protection and privacy and free circulation of personal data, we wish to inform you of the following.
Data controller and processor: My Meeting srl represented in person by Dr. Cristina Federici - Via 1° Maggio 33/35 - 40064 Ozzano dell'Emilia, Bologna, Italy.
C. F / P. IVA 02759781202 - Ph. +39 051 796971 - e-mail:
Purpose of data processing: Your personal data freely communicated and acquired for this event will be electronically and manually processed in order to follow up requests and to document your participation in the event as well as to fulfill legal obligations. The data may be disclosed and provided to different, but well identified subjects who, in various capacitites, contribute to or participate in the event, as well as to the competent Authorities according to the provisions of law and, possibly, to AGENS for CME purposes. With your specific consent, your data will be used to send a periodic newsletter updating you on events of interest organized by My Meeting.
Personal data storage: My Meeting srl shall store your personal data for the time needed for the management of the above-mentioned activities and avoiding in any case long term storage and enabling the data subject to exercise their rights.
Your personal data will be stored for 10 (ten) years, inless the data subject undertakes actions to confirm consent to the use of their personal data.
The signature placed on the "Registration Form" represents acknowledgement of this information and the above rights and entails consent to personal data processing and communication for the obove-indicated purposes. Failure to consen will preclude participation in the event.